Hypnosis FAQ

Unveiling the Truth: Hypnosis FAQ

Ever wondered if hypnosis can really make you cluck like a chicken? Or if it’s just a stage trick for entertainment? It’s time to separate fact from fiction.

Here, we dive into the most common myths and misconceptions about hypnosis and reveal the reality behind this powerful therapeutic tool. Get ready to uncover the truths that will change the way you think about hypnosis forever.

No swinging pocket watches, just straight answers!

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a natural state of the mind that you’ve probably accessed hundreds of times in your life - while driving down a boring stretch of road, watching an exciting movie, listening to your favorite song, and even day dreaming. You just never knew that’s what it was. While in this state, you are hyper aware and able to engage your deep inner mind where your emotions, imagination and creativity reside. We get you into this state through relaxation and a series of suggestions and then while we are there, we transform the negative emotions and limiting beliefs holding you back. Because getting into and working within the state depends on the client’s willingness to accept suggestions, going into Hypnosis and staying in Hypnosis is a choice -- it’s really SELF hypnosis.

Hypnosis is a natural yet altered state of focused attention and heightened awareness in which a person becomes more and more open to suggestions and positive thoughts, ideas and images. The state is often described as a trance-like, similar to daydreaming or deep concentration, where the conscious mind becomes less critical, allowing the subconscious mind to be more receptive to new ideas and perspectives.

How does Hypnosis work?

Hypnosis works by utilizing the power of suggestion to change certain thinking patterns or behaviors in the subconscious mind.

Addressing Root Causes:  Hypnotherapy helps uncover and address the triggers that contribute to the desire to perform a behavior. These triggers are rooted in the subconscious mind and held in place by beliefs and perceptual templates that are "negatively charged" with emotions such as hurt, fear, anger, anxiety, guilt, trauma, etc. (The list goes on.)  

Reframe Old Patterns:   When we do Hypnotherapy, we enter a focused state of mind called Hypnosis - which is really just a brain wave state that allows us to access the subconscious mind where the perceptual templates live.  Once we have access to the content, we can remove the negative charge and reframe the belief.  When you reframe what you believe, it changes what you perceive, which changes how you feel, which then changes what you do.  

Building New Positive Habits: From there, we use the same focused state to instill positive suggestions, affirmations, images and ideas that reinforce the new way of being.  With reinforcement and repetition, the new healthier habits and behaviors emerge.  The happy bi-product of this is the absence of the old emotion, which begets the absence of the old behavior and a state of being that a client would refer to as "better" or "healed" or "resolved" or "transformed."

What does Hypnosis feel like?

Hypnosis feels different for everyone, but many people describe it as a deeply relaxed and focused state, similar to daydreaming or the moments just before falling asleep. Some report feeling like they are in meditation. How you feel while in Hypnosis is more a function of the content you are thinking about or exploring. Still, you may experience:

Relaxation: A profound sense of physical and mental calmness. You may feel your muscles loosening and a wave of relaxation spreading throughout your body.

Heightened Focus: Your attention may very concentrated on my voice, specific thoughts, or images.

Detachment: A feeling of detachment from your surroundings, similar to getting lost in a good book or movie.

Altered Awareness: You might feel like you're in a different state of consciousness, aware of your thoughts and surroundings, but in a more introspective and reflective way.

Time Distortion: Time may seem to pass differently; a hypnosis session might feel much shorter or longer than it actually is.

Enhanced Suggestibility: You may feel more open to suggestions and positive affirmations, which can help in making changes.

Comfort and Well-being: You may experience a sense of comfort, safety, and well-being, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated after a session.

Amplified Emotions: Positive or negative emotions associated with the thoughts, ideas and images you are observing.

Remember, hypnosis is a highly individualized experience, and these experience can vary widely from person to person. The important thing to remember is that you cannot do it wrong. Just your belief in the tool, your willingness to go into the state and your desire for the outcome will be more than enough to create a positive experience.

Am I under your control during hypnosis?

No way! Contrary to popular belief, hypnosis is not about losing control or being manipulated; instead, it is a collaborative process between the individual and the hypnotherapist, designed to help a client facilitate their own personal growth, healing, and transformation.

This state can be achieved through various techniques, including relaxation, guided imagery, and verbal cues, and is widely used for purposes such as stress reduction, pain management, habit change, and enhancing overall well-being.

You're in control of your own mind and thoughts. As a hypnotherapist, I am simply a guide to help you reach your desired outcome.

Will I do or say anything I don't want to while in the hypnotic state?

Absolutely not. Hypnosis is not mind control, and you will not do anything that goes against your values or beliefs. You will only work on what you have chosen to change. Hypnosis is a natural state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility, but it doesn't mean you lose control of your actions or thoughts.

Think of it as similar to being deeply engrossed in a book or a movie—you're highly focused, but you are still aware of your surroundings and can choose to shift your attention at any time. In a hypnosis session, you remain fully aware of what is happening, and you can hear everything that is being said. If a suggestion is made that doesn't resonate with you or makes you uncomfortable, a part deep within your subconscious mind will reject it for your protection.

Our goal in hypnosis is to work collaboratively to help you achieve your desired outcomes. Your comfort, safety, and well-being are the top priorities. Hypnosis is a tool to help you tap into your inner resources and make positive changes, and you are always in the driver's seat. Rest assured, you will not do or say anything that you don't want to while in the hypnotic state. It's all about empowering you and supporting your journey towards positive change.

Can Hypnosis be done virtually?

Of course! In fact, virtual hypnotherapy has been shown to be just as effective as in-person sessions. Plus, you get to enjoy the relaxation from the comfort of your own couch. Click to read more about Remote Hypnosis Sessions.

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Disclaimer: We understand that every individual's experience is unique and results may vary depending on various factors, such as attitude, adaptability, personal history, and overall health. For your safety and well-being, we highly recommend consulting your physician before beginning any program. At Dani Fox, MBA, CLC, CCHT, we do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe any medical or psychological disorders. We urge you to seek the care of a qualified physician or psychotherapist if you suffer from any psychological or medical disorder. Thank you for choosing Dani Fox, MBA, CLC, CCHT as your partner in your journey toward Powerful Positive Change.

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Disclaimer: We understand that every individual's experience is unique and results may vary depending on various factors, such as attitude, adaptability, personal history, and overall health. For your safety and well-being, we highly recommend consulting your physician before beginning any program. At Dani Fox, MBA, CLC, CCHT, we do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe any medical or psychological disorders. We urge you to seek the care of a qualified physician or psychotherapist if you suffer from any psychological or medical disorder. Thank you for choosing Dani Fox, MBA, CLC, CCHT as your partner in your journey toward Powerful Positive Change.

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