For Adults

Hypnotherapy for Adults

Because you deserve to live the life you desire and deserve!

Congratulations! You have found the key to the door to the rest of your life. Now, all you need to do is turn the handle and walk through!

Individual hypnosis and coaching sessions are a safe, effective and efficient way to create Powerful Positive Change because we focus exclusively on your needs and your unique goals. In our one-on-one confidential sessions, we have the time and space to thoroughly explore where you are and where you want to be. Our focus is on clearing blocks to that goal and identifying the next steps to creating the life you desire and deserve.

You are never upset for the reason you think, so it’s common to seek help for one issue only to discover the root of the issue is really something else. Individual sessions allow us the freedom and flexibility to go where the subconscious leads and use the most appropriate tool to create resolution. Every client is different, so every experience is different. As such, the number of sessions necessary and topics covered in each session will vary. The thing to remember is to be patient with yourself and the process. The following is a brief list of topics we might start with:

Lose Weight

Hypnosis is a safe and natural approach to helping support your weight loss and healthy lifestyle journey.

It is common that the issue is comprised of many aspects including body image, portion control, food choices, emotional eating, motivation, and even fear. Through Hypnosis, NLP, Tapping and related techniques, we target those issues, transform them and clear them at the root -- helping you create new habits, and positive behaviors so that your body can get back to what it was designed to do -- thrive. I have experienced first hand, the positive effects of Hypnosis on the weight and eating issue -- I am an 80lb different person because of it. So I know it works!

The Jump Start Your Weight Loss Program is 4 hypnosis sessions delivered over 4 weeks. It follows the outline below and also includes 4 recordings:

Session 1 - The Foundation (Identifying success factors, as well as triggers and cravings and creating your custom weight loss / healthy lifestyle recording - live in session.)

Session 2 - Parts Work (Working with the part or parts getting in the way of the success factors and getting it on board with your goal.)

Session 3 - Regression (Going back to the cause/start of the challenging behaviors, negative emotions, and limiting beliefs getting in the way of weight loss.)

Session 4 - Reinforcement (Tools and resources to make the change stick)

Each week, you receive a hypnosis recording to listen to every day until the next session. So that's 4 sessions and 4 recordings.

The program is offered as a package at $960 and payment is required in advance. (My regular rate is $300 per session, so the package is offered at quite a savings.)

Note:  I am not a medical doctor, nutritionist, dietician or fitness professional.  As such, I do not consult on specific dietary approaches, eating plans or caloric intake, nor do I make any recommendations about exercise methodologies.  Always consult your doctor before changing your diet and / or starting a weight loss or exercise program.

Imagine how life will be when you. . .  

*Identify and set healthy weight loss goals.

*Manifest and maintain your ideal body image.

*Clear blocks and stop sabotaging yourself.

*Discover your feelings and eating triggers.

*Change your beliefs about your body and eating.

*Strengthen your willpower to stay on track.

*Program yourself to look forward to exercise.

*Receive suggestions to make better food choices.

Stop Smoking

National Quit Day is right around the corner. . . will you be ready? The costs of not acting now are not just financial - observe what it's doing to your body.  Is it really worth it? The time to STOP SMOKING is NOW and enjoy the benefits of a healthy smoke-free lifestyle. Smoking is a life-threatening habit and one of the leading causes of cancer. WebMD advises that smoking increases your risk of heart attacks, strokes, lung disease, and other health problems, including bone fractures and cataracts.  Other smoking cessation methods haven't worked for you, NOW is the time to try hypnosis.  What do you have to lose but that nasty habit?

Imagine how life will be when you. . .

*Become a permanent non-smoker.

*Find and eliminate your smoking triggers.

*Transform your feelings and beliefs about smoking.

*Develop and strengthen your willpower to be smoke-free.

*Receive positive suggestions to decrease cravings.

*Enjoy success and prevent relapse.

The STOP SMOKING NOW PACKAGE consists of the following:

Session 1 - (2 Hours) The Foundation to Stop (Working with triggers, deleting cravings, and aligning with the NON-SMOKER in you. We will create a custom Smoking Cessation Recording In This Session. You will listen to this recording every day for 30 days.)

Session 2 - (1.5 - 2 Hours) Parts Work (Working with the part that doesn't want to stop smoking and getting it on board with the NON-SMOKER part.)

Session 3 - (1.5 - 2 Hours) Regression (Going back to the cause / start of the behavior and also tools and resources to make the change stick)

Each week, you receive a hypnosis recording to listen to every day until the next session.

Program includes a total of 3 two-hour sessions and 3 recordings and is offered at $720 (a $180 discount off of the per-session rate). Payment is required in advance. (My regular rate is $300 per session, so the package is are offered at quite a discount.)

Improve Confidence & Raise Self Esteem

What would you do with more confidence? Where could you go? What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?

Don't let nerves and jitters get the best of you. Don't give in to the notion that you have some inherent limitation or destiny for failure. It's all a myth. It's just a physiological response that we can reprogram. When we do, you will see how the universe and all of its abundant resources are always available to you. Relax and trust that everything you need is right at your fingertips, any time you need.

Imagine how life will be when you. . .

*Learn to be peaceful in all situations.

*Clear fear and stop worrying about uncertainty.

*Learn to live in the now and expect success.

*Quiet the inner critic and stop negative self-talk.

*Overcome obstacles and learn optimism.

*Create new habits and rehearse positive outcomes.

*Receive suggestions to build self-trust.

*Program your instinct to be calm and confident.

Age Agelessly

Being youthful is a state of mind.  And in your mind is an endless supply of all the qualities you believe and feel are related to being youthful. When you relax very deeply, you relax your muscles, and your mind and allow your body to do what it does best – thrive. Science has proven that the mind body connection is real. When you transform your emotional complexion, you transform your outward complexion – allowing your true radiance to emanate in a manner that no cosmetic procedure or beauty product could produce.

Imagine how life will be when you. . .

*Clear limiting beliefs and infuse your life with zest and optimism.

*Enjoy an increase in energy and enthusiasm for life.

*Think and believe your way to a youthful body.

*Improve your memory and stay sharp.

*Reduce the perceived effects of aging.

*Learn to love your body in every season of your life.

Sleep Deeply & Peacefully*

What could you do with a good night sleep?

Sleep impacts so much of our day to day functioning as well as our physical and mental wellness.  And when we don't get it, we can feel irritable, unfocused, unmotivated and unhappy.  Sleep is not only an important factor in your outlook and ability to manage daily stressors, but it also plays a crucial role in muscle repair, memory consolidation and the release of hormones regulating growth and appetite.  

Knowing this, what if we could identify the underlying issues contributing to the sleep issue and transform the patterns of behavior keeping you from a deep peaceful, restful night sleep?  What could you do and how amazing could you feel?

Imagine how life will be when you. . .

*Learn to fall asleep easily and stay asleep naturally tonight and every night.

*Program your deep inner mind to expect to sleep deeply and peacefully.

*Teach your subconscious that it\'s safe to fall asleep and stay asleep.

*Train your body to wake up in the morning alert, light, refreshed and energized.

*Create new habits and rehearse a positive outcome of restful sleep.

*Receive auto suggestions to put yourself to fall asleep and wake up when you want.

*Expect to enjoy sleep and find it comfortable and simple.

Clear Fear

The time is NOW to Clear Fear!

Fear can wreak havoc on your life. It can prevent you from having relationships, maintaining jobs, or even participating in the simply joys of life. According to the Mayo Clinic, some fears manifest due to individual experiences and others come from our childhood observations of our parents fears. Regardless, troublesome behaviors result ranging from avoidance to anxiousness, frustration to hopelessness. Hypnosis is an easy, natural, drug free means of releasing deep-seated fears so you can start living again!

Imagine how life will be when you. . .

*Stop avoiding and start living.

*Alleviate or eliminate fears altogether.

*Reprogram your reaction to the stimulus.

*Resolve fear related emotions and beliefs.

*Replace negative associations with positive images.

*Relieve fear-related stress and anxiousness.

Improve Sports Performance


Optimal physical performance is only part of the equation to improving your game. Whether it’s Golf, Football, Baseball, Gymnastics, Soccer or Swimming, improving your mental performance is where it all starts. Hypnosis can help everyone from amateur enthusiasts to professional athletes enhance their natural ability to enjoy the performance they have always imagined. Improving your state of mind can create the psychological performance you are striving for. Hypnosis can help you discover your winning mind set and stay there so you can perform your best.

Imagine how life will be when you. . .

*Clear limiting thoughts or beliefs about success.

*Improve confidence and composure.

*Learn how to overcome distractions and fear.

*Improve and enhance mental attitude.

*Practice positive visualization.

*Increase motivation and dedication.

Improve Public Speaking

Time to start owning the stage!

You have practiced that speech, rehearsed those lines, drilled the music into your head and NOW it’s time to relax and perform like a pro. Whether preparing for that big meeting at work, or getting ready for that concert or audition, hypnosis can help you reach your full potential by helping you get out of your own way and let your closet public speaker and inner rock shine.

Imagine how life will be when you. . .

*Clear the limiting beliefs that are holding you back

*Mentally rehearse a successful outcome

*Develop confidence and stage presence

*Learn relaxation so you can connect with the audience.

*Improve memory and information recall.

*Dissolve the fears that cause stage fright, performance and audition fear.

Memory, Learning, Studying & Test Taking

You NOW know everything you need to know, when you need to know it!

The mental law of Reverse Effect says the greater the conscious effort, the less the subconscious mind responds. So the more pressure you put on yourself to remember or recall, the harder it will actually be to succeed. Stress impedes memory, focus and concentration so the secret is to learn to relax, turn off negative self-talk and boost confidence. Whether you are studying for professional exams like law or medical boards or just trying to get through a family reunion, it's time to train your brain to relax and access it's natural intelligence.

Imagine how life will be when you. . .

*Program for accelerated learning.

*Improve focus and attention.

*Develop positive feelings toward test taking.

*Improve memory and recall.

*Program for discipline and follow through.

*Improve self-confidence.

*Learn to visualize and expect success.

Pain Management*

What if there was a natural, drug-free alternative to dealing with pain?

There’s is, and you've found it. Hypnosis can work on your pain - all types - WITH A REFERRAL FROM YOUR DOCTOR. What have you got to lose but that old nagging discomfort, agony, torture, torment, suffering, distress, sorrow, grief, heartache, heartbreak, sadness, unhappiness, distress, desolation, misery, wretchedness, and despair.

Hypnosis for pain is not simply about relaxing away the discomfort or making yourself believe that you don't feel it, it's about resolving the underlying limiting belief and negative related to it (and often trapped at the site of the pain). There is also a good measure of distraction involved. Because the subconscious mind cannot really focus on more than one emotion or sensation at a time, I can teach you techniques for retraining your subconscious to use triggers to refocus your attention away from pain to positive thoughts, images, feelings and sensations. Your body will follow your mind and pain will diminish, if not resolve all together with conditioning, practice and time.

Depending on the nature of the pain, it may take anywhere between 3 to 10 sessions to resolve. Every individual is different so the time and the number of sessions necessary for it to resolve to the client's satisfaction varies per person.

The objective is to give clients tools and empower them to continue to condition themselves to manage pain beyond our sessions together. It is very important to have the support of your medical practitioner prior to moving forward with hypnosis for pain. The Law requires that I have a referral from your doctor to work on pain. Getting a referral from your doctor is simple and easy. After all, your doctor wants you to return to optimal functioning too. Simply start the discussion.

Imagine how life will be when you transform discomfort related to. . .








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Restore Relationships

Personal relationships, business relationships, customer relationships. They bring us great joy; define our lives and bring meaning. But they also can also create problems and unhappiness. Whether it’s a relationship with a family member, co-worker, friend or partner, everyone experiences relationship trouble at some point -- trouble caused by the unique patterns, experiences, beliefs and emotions we bring into every transaction.

What if we could learn to let each other off the hook easier, faster, more often? What if we could extend latitude at the onset of a disagreement or misunderstanding? What if we could uncover trigger events from our past that cause us to respond in a way that ignites conflict between individuals. What if all it took was remembering that we are all KIDS PLAYING DRESS-UP. We are all 7 year-olds running around inside adult costumes – children acting on adult situations from childlike perspectives and patterns. Would it change things? Absolutely!

Through hypnosis, we RESTORE RELATIONSHIPS. We can bring to consciousness the source of the problem, transform the beliefs and emotions causing the behavior and develop understanding, compassion, acceptance to pave the way for love and forgiveness and the opportunity to get those relationships back on track.

Imagine how life will be when you transform issues such as . . .






*Feeling Trapped

*Fear and Insecurity

*Anger and Punishment Behavior

*Money Management

*Managing Schedules

*Habits and Pet Peeves


*Balancing Alone Time


Resolve Grief & Loss

We can get through it together.

Grief and loss is a function of attachment, meaning and many things more than just the physical absence of or separation from someone or something. Loss is something that pings a deep aspect of our being that was shaped in our early childhood. Through closed eye techniques, we explore and express feelings that may be too painful to confront consciously to allows for the safe expression and processing of deep authentic emotions to create space for healing. In the process, we reframe the experience of loss, allowing individuals to focus on positive thoughts, ideas and images to rebuild asense of inner peace and resolution.

Imagine how life will be when you. . .

*Finally feel the ease of the emotional journey.

*Develop healthier ways to cope.

*Enjoy the peace of mind, body and spirit that comes from true acceptance.

*Experience deep restorative sleep again.

*Return to a sense of strength and confidence in your ability to handle future challenges.

*Restore balance, emotional equilibrium and enjoyment of life.

*Enjoy a renewed ability to find meaning and purpose.

Creating & Manifesting

Time to start creating and manifesting more of what you want and less of what you don’t.

The good news is, the universe is on your side and the Law of Attraction is working in your favor! When you set your intention and align your subconscious with the deepest desires of your heart, you manifest all that you desire and deserve. It’s that simple.

What do you have to lose? Nothing! But you have an incredible amount to attract, gain and enjoy!

Imagine how life will be when you. . .

*Learn and apply the Law of Attraction.

*Program yourself to manifest what you desire.

*Remove mental blocks and barriers.

*Align your subconscious with positive expectancy.

*Resolve negative feelings about wealth.

*Replace limiting beliefs with inevitable success.

*Clarify your purpose and realize your potential.

*Harness the Power of Creative Manifestation.

Get Unstuck

Feeling stuck? The freedom you have been longing for is closer than you think. By exploring and the core issues that have been keeping stuck, you can create perspective, feel more emotionally free and begin to live the life you were born to life. Through hypnosis you can tap into your higher self and inner resources to let go of limiting beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve you and establish new patterns of behavior that support who you want to be and where you want to go. Time to get moving!

Imagine how life will be when you. . .

*Uncover the root cause of your immobility.

*Identify the core beliefs that are holding you back and reframe them.

*Clear the obsolete emotions that cause troublesome behavior and habits.

*Return to a place of peace, joy and emotional freedom.

*Learn to use forgiveness, understanding, compassion, acceptance and love as a filter for every interaction.

*Let go of the past and enjoy living in the now, and start manifesting your future.

*Transform existing relationships and foster new, more rewarding connections.

Create Peace, Balance and Inner Harmony

Hypnosis is a powerful tool to help cultivate peace, balance, and inner harmony. By guiding individuals into a deeply relaxed state, the mind becomes more open and receptive to positive changes. This state of deep relaxation facilitates the reduction of mental clutter and the calming of emotional turbulence, which are often obstacles to personal equilibrium.

During a hypnosis session, targeted suggestions are introduced that help reprogram the subconscious mind—where our deepest beliefs and habits reside—to adopt healthier, more harmonious ways of thinking and behaving. These suggestions promote a greater sense of inner peace and enhance one's ability to maintain emotional and psychological balance amidst life's challenges.

Imagine how life will be when you...

*Your heart and mind feel more clear and open.

*Feel safe and secure within yourself and find more peace in your heart.

*Enjoy being more and more in the present moment feeling great.

*Feel more calm, relaxed and at peace.

*Remember you are loving, lovable and loved.

*Easily, automatically and naturally default to feeling free and happy.

*Release old patterns that no longer serve you.

Reduce Stress & Feelings of Anxiousness

Hypnosis is increasingly recognized as an effective tool for reducing stress and feelings of anxiousness. Through guided relaxation and focused attention, hypnosis promotes a deep state of calm, allowing individuals to access a heightened state of awareness. This altered state enables practitioners to effectively bypass the conscious mind and communicate directly with the subconscious, where deeply ingrained patterns of thought and behavior reside to clear the root of the stressor and reframe negative thought patterns that contribute it's expression.

Imagine how life will be when you. . .

*Return to a state of greater relaxation and peace.

*Move through the day with a body in a state of calm and ease. 

*Remain centered and secure within myself in all situations.

*Feel confident and self assured in who you are no matter what's going on around you.

*Enjoy a positive and optimistic attitude knowing you can handle anything. 

*Feel fully open to your feelings and comfortable with whatever you feel. 

*Feel safe and secure no matter what is happening. 

Attract Abundance

Time to start attracting more of what you want and less of what you don’t.

The good news is, the universe is on your side and the Law of Attraction is working in your favor! When you set your intention and align your subconscious with the deepest desires of your heart, you manifest abundance. It’s that simple. Abundance in your mind equates to abundance in your life.

What do you have to lose? Nothing! But you have an incredible amount to attract, gain and enjoy!

Imagine how life will be when you. . .

*Learn and apply the Law of Attraction.

*Program yourself to create abundance.

*Remove mental blocks and barriers.

*Align your subconscious with positive expectancy.

*Resolve negative feelings about wealth.

*Replace limiting beliefs with inevitable success.

*Clarify your purpose and realize your potential.

*Harness the Power of Creative Manifestation.

Cultivate Mindfulness

Cultivating mindfulness enhancing one's ability to remain present and fully engaged in the moment. By inducing a state of deep relaxation and focused attention, we clear the mind of distractions and unnecessary worries to retrain the brain to concentrate on the here and now. The goal is reducing the prevalence of ruminative thoughts and developing a more mindful approach to daily living.

Imagine how life will be when you...

*Experience improved mental clarity.

*Enjoy increased emotional resilience.

*Handle daily stressors with ease.

*Sleep deeply and peacefully.

*Enjoy a more peaceful experience with your body.

*Live a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Create Work Life Balance

Let's address stress and burnout!

Through targeted suggestions and deep relaxation techniques, we can develop healthier habits and attitudes towards work and personal life. Together, we find the root of the struggle and resolve the inner conflict that get in the way of the creating and maintaining balance. The shift in mindset at the subconscious level allows for a more structured and focused approach to work, while ensuring ample time for personal activities and relaxation.

Imagine how life will be when you. . .

*Enjoy increased productivity with less stress and more efficiency.

*Experience the enhanced creativity that comes from a mind / body that is free from inner conflict.

*Feel better physically, emotionally and mentally.

*Have more time and emotional energy for personal relationships.

*Experience greater satisfaction in your job.

*Learn to cultivate a balanced lifestyle.

*Enjoy the improved energy that comes from have balance in you inner and outer experience.

*Experience a greater sense of fulfillment in work and personal domains.

Let Go

Got Baggage? Time to let it go!

The past is a myth. It doesn’t exist anymore. The only shape, substance and power that past has, is what we give it. Still, in some weird, twisted way, we think holding on to the past validates us. We think “if I let this go, then I let this person get away with what they did,” or “if I let this go, I won’t have any reason to feel this hurt or anger.” But that’s the point. Holding on to the baggage is creating more upset. What if you didn\'t have a reason to carry hurt or anger anymore? What could you do with that emotional energy? You have better things to invest your time and energy in. Ready to let it go?

Imagine how life will be when you. . .

*Stop churning over incidents and reliving emotions that no longer serve you.

*Learn how to reframe those past thoughts and feelings.

*Stop replaying the mental movie.

*Learn to how forgiving can dramatically change your life.

*Let go of the past and enjoy living in the now, and start manifesting your future.

*Return to a place of peace, joy and emotional freedom.

Resolve Fears & Phobias*

Stop being afraid and start living!

Deep-seated fears reside in the subconscious mind, so to live fear and phobia free, we have to get in there and dig it out. In the closed eye state, we identify and deconstruct the trigger and reactions and then rewire the associations to it. It sounds complex, but it's actually very simple. This process involves many very pleasant and relaxing techniques to find the source, dissolve the negative anchor associated with it and then replace the responses with something more neutral, calm or rational. By systematically desensitizing the client to the source of fear, we gradually diminish the power that the phobia holds in the mind and body.

Imagine how life will be when you. . .

*Enjoy an overall reduction in stress toward the through of the trigger.

*Regain the ability to engage in activities previously avoided.

*Experience the increased confidence that comes from overcoming fears.

*Enjoy the feeling of having a more emotional even-keel with fewer ups and downs related to old fears.

*Participation in social events no longer hindered by phobias.

*Are able to remain calm in previously triggering situations.

*Fly, drive, boat, travel....experience the world like you couldn't before.

Break Up with Bad Habits*

Bad habits be gone!

In the closed eye state, we navigate to the place where habits are deeply ingrained and introduce new, healthier behaviors and thought patterns to replace the undesirable ones. Together, we help break the automatic response loop that triggers the habit in the context where it's happening, facilitating lasting behavioral change. This is particularly effective because it addresses the underlying triggers and the problem contexts for these behaviors, offering a profound and lasting solution.

Imagine how life will be when you. . .

*Finally eliminate habits like smoking or unhealthy eating.

*Stop procrastination or nail-biting for good.

*Enjoy the boost of confidence that comes from overcoming disruptive behaviors.

*Restore relationships that were negatively affected by personal habits like screen time, and gambling, and other online activity.

*Curtail procrastination and achieve more in productivity and success.

*Achieve control over your actions, behavior and body responses.

Perform Like A Pro

Time to start owning the stage!

You have practiced that speech, rehearsed those lines, drilled the music into your head and NOW it’s time to relax and perform like a pro. Whether preparing for that big meeting at work, or getting ready for that concert or audition, hypnosis can help you reach your full potential by helping you get out of your own way and let your closet public speaker and inner rock star.

Imagine how life will be when you. . .

*Clear the limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

*Mentally rehearse a successful outcome.

*Develop confidence and stage presence.

*Learn relaxation so you can connect with the audience.

*Improve memory and information recall.

*Dissolve the fears that cause stage fright, performance, and audition fear.

The Goal....back to thriving in the life you desire and deserve!

This work is about formulating long term strategies for success. My job is to strengthen, support and guide you through resolution of negative emotions, limiting beliefs and disruptive behaviors. Transformation occurs over time as you learn and build upon those learnings to condition the deep inner mind to maintain the change. True transformation is achieved when you can return to past activities and triggers (people, places, things etc.) without distress.

Click to read more ABOUT THE PROCESS

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*NOTE: Diagnosed Medical or Mental health issues such as these require a referral from your Medical or Mental Health Professional. Please read my blog post for more information about your Clinical Hypnotherapist as a partner in your Medical and Mental Health and contact me for a referral form to forward to your practitioner.

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Disclaimer: We understand that every individual's experience is unique and results may vary depending on various factors, such as attitude, adaptability, personal history, and overall health. For your safety and well-being, we highly recommend consulting your physician before beginning any program. At Dani Fox, MBA, CLC, CCHT, we do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe any medical or psychological disorders. We urge you to seek the care of a qualified physician or psychotherapist if you suffer from any psychological or medical disorder. Thank you for choosing Dani Fox, MBA, CLC, CCHT as your partner in your journey toward Powerful Positive Change.

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© 2025, Dani Fox, MBA, CLC, CCHT. All rights reserved.

Disclaimer: We understand that every individual's experience is unique and results may vary depending on various factors, such as attitude, adaptability, personal history, and overall health. For your safety and well-being, we highly recommend consulting your physician before beginning any program. At Dani Fox, MBA, CLC, CCHT, we do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe any medical or psychological disorders. We urge you to seek the care of a qualified physician or psychotherapist if you suffer from any psychological or medical disorder. Thank you for choosing Dani Fox, MBA, CLC, CCHT as your partner in your journey toward Powerful Positive Change.

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© 2025, Dani Fox, MBA, CLC, CCHT. All rights reserved.